I’m Bobby Grace, a Kansas City native living in New York City. Twitter. GitHub.
Trello. I design features, write code, draw illustrations, draft guidelines, and write for Trello. trello.com.
One Word Wiki, a web page with one word that anyone can edit. oneword.wiki. Code.
Pigeonhole, a party game based on uniquely naming words in a list of categories. pigeonholegame.com. Code.
Lore Opossum, a better placeholder text generator. loreopossum.com. Code.
Read the Docs. I helped create Read the Docs, a home for documentation. readthedocs.org. Code.
Iconathon, an icon task runner that converts Sketch files to mobile and web formats. Blog Post. Code.
Trellisheets, guidelines, resources, and examples for writing CSS for Trello. Code.